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National Apprenticeship Week (5-11 February)

Last updated by on Wednesday, March 13, 2024


National Apprenticeship Week is running from 5 to 11 February and the theme for this year is Skills for Life, encouraging people to consider how apprenticeships can help individuals develop the skills and knowledge needed for a rewarding career, and how employers providing apprenticeships are developing a workforce with these future ready skills.


More information can be found at the National Apprenticeship Week website.


For those who work with young people across Essex and want to know more about what is happening at a county level or how they can support young people to discover what apprenticeships are available visit:

Apprenticeship Events Campaign - ACL Essex

Careers Advice and Help - Youth Employment UK

Schools and colleges across the county will be celebrating the week with different events and information, with agencies such as the Police and Army offering information webinars.